Saturday, March 26, 2011


On Thursday March 24th the Christ Church website about our very own Thomas Pinckney has been launched! The event was a success and this is but a small part of a much larger project in the anti-slavery historiographical discussion.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Big Day!

This past week the Chatham group met in the Huron library for a final meeting before our presentation. Everything seems to be falling into place. The script is written, the interviews recorded, and the final touches of the video are underway. The pamphlets are ready to be printed and the board is ready to be decorated. The event will take place at 12:30pm on Thursday and the room will be filled with food to eat as well as food for thought. The big debut will bring together the research completed by those who took the trek to Chatham and those who dug deep in the Huron archives. It will include a presentation of our video as well as an informative board and pamphlet. It sure will be nice for the group to present their hard work. Stay tuned for a report of the event from the writing group!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Production in Progress

The group gathered together for a meeting January 13th, 2011  to discuss plans on the next steps in this exciting project. The discussion included advertisement for the presentation event here at Huron University College and also at Christ Church in Chatham, initiation of the script writing process, along with plans for return research trip to Christ Church in Chatham. If you are an avid follower, you'd notice that we've recently posted some photos of the trip to Chatham and the research from the Huron Archives from November.

As the writers of this project. We immersed ourselves within the available research. Taking this raw data, we metamorphosized it into a creation poised perfectly for all audience groups. Trying to make this script both enjoyable and informative, the script is underway and is looking to be finished relatively soon. After this, the script will then be passed along to the Production team, who will produce the short film. Things are looking well for this project and we writers are definitely excited to see the end result of the hard work that all the team members involved with this project have invested.

The Huron Archives

Better late than never: The Chatham Research Trip.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In the Beginning...

The Historians Craft 3801E has undertaken a Community Based Project located in Chatham, Ontario surrounding the involvement of Thomas Pickeney in the Abolitionist movement. Christ Church in Chatham played a vital role in Thomas Pickeney's role in the abolitionist movement. The research team has traveled to Chatham and have conducted some research. The research team was accompanied by writers Maggie Jinks and Kyle Prout in the Huron Archives. We are in the process analyzing the images from the Colonial Church in School Societies Annual Reports on the "Mission To Fugitive Slaves In Canada." Posts will continue to accumulate with the results of the research taking physical form, such as a documentary.

Sarah Brown, Kyle Prout, Maggie Jinks.